CBD Oil for Parkinson’s

After researching companies that sell CBD oils for several years now, I finally have found a company that I feel confident recommending. CTFO lists their CBD oils at prices that are as much as 70% less than other companies. CTFO sells high quality CDB oils that have a high concentration of 1500 mg. Best of all, this company offers a 60 day money back guarantee.

CTFO sources hemp from Industrial Hemp farms that produce some of the richest, CBD Hemp in the USA. Our CBD is completely isolated through CO2 extraction & crystal precipitation & is of the highest grade, pesticide free, Non-GMO hemp in the world. These Industrial Hemp Farms are fully compliant with the State Department of Agriculture regulations & are large US distributors of Hemp, rich in CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN.

CTFO is committed to having the highest quality, lowest priced products on the market. Brad Jeffs, a representative of the company, answers a series of questions about CBD in general and the company in particular.

Visit the following website for further information and details


High Dose Thiamine as a Novel, Promising Therapy

Parkinsons Recovery is dedicated to identifying promising new therapies that offer the promise of reversing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. One such therapy, High-Dose Thiamine,  was discussed on Parkinsons Recovery Radio by Italian neurologist Antonio Constantini MD.  He has been prescribing High Dose Thiamine as a treatment for his Parkinson’s patients with good success.  Click on the pointer to hear the replay.

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a systemic disease with motor and non-motor deficits. In July 2011, Dr. Costantini treated a 47-year-old man affected by spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2). In this patient, fatigue as well as motor symptoms improved after parenteral high doses of thiamine (also this was our proprietary research).

He formulated the hypothesis that in some inherited and degenerative diseases of the nervous system, the pathogenesis of the symptoms could be linked to a focal thiamine deficiency due to a dysfunction of the circulation of thiamine in the intracellular space or to structural enzymatic abnormalities. He speculated this dysfunction could be responsive to high-dose thiamine. Parkinson’s disease has also been related to mutations associated with SCA2. Applying the same approach to patients with Parkinson’s symptoms the observed results were nothing short of startling and never previously described in literature.

Links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsHIcP_h6QVWwd4uRg-HDQ?view_as=subscriber



Q&A About Aquas

Questions answered by Leonie Hibbert, a developer of the Aquas and asked by your host Robert Rodgers PhD, founder of Parkinsons Recovery:

  • How do I know I am dehydrated?
  • What are symptoms of dehydration?
  • I drink water all the time but I am still thirsty all the time. Why is this?
  • How can taking a few drops of Aquas every day help hydrate the body?
  • Would it help to increase the number of drops I take every day? Isn’t more better?
  • How did you determine what ingredients to include in the bottles?
  • If I am a man – can I take the female Aquas or vice versa?
  • If someone is very ill, can they take the  Aquas and if so, how many drops should they take?
  • What are the side effects of detoxing from getting better hydration?
  • How do you know the Aquas work?
  • How long does a bottle last?
  • Why can’t I solve the problem of dehydration by simply drinking more water?
  • Why do so many people with Parkinson’s symptoms take Aquas?
  • Will Aquas help people with diabetes?
  • Why do you recommend a break of 2 days every week when taking the Aquas?
  • Are the Aquas FDA approved?
  • How do you know the Aquas are safe?
  • Who manufactures the Aquas?
  • Is a doctor’s prescription required for the Aquas?
  • Will the Aquas help with dry skin?
  • Do I have to take the Aquas with apple juice?
  • Is it ok to take the Aquas with breakfast?

For further information about the Aquas visit: www.aquas4life.com

Cause and Natural Treatment for Vision Problems

Balance issues and falls are not solely a question of muscular strength and coordination. Fall prevention depends on the functional integration of sight, sound and posture. Balance difficulties are often due in part to impaired eyesight.

What can be done to correct issues with poor eyesight? Research reveals that the underlying reason for vision difficulties is inflammation. It follows that getting inflammation under control is the key to achieving an improvement eyesight, which in turn improves balance and reduces the risk of falls.

This program offers a general overview of the the cause of impaired eyesight and previews research by Dr. Mark Babizhayev PhD which resulted in the development of the groundbreaking product called Can-C formulated by Dr. Babizhayev and his colleagues.  An overview and background of his ground breaking research is
discussed, followed by a detailed explanation of the use, application and research that supports the application of Can-C eye drops to reduce inflammation in the eyes.

For more information about the Can-C eye drops  therapy for eye conditions and particularly cataracts, visit www.cataracts.parkinsonsrecovery.com

Sleep as a Key to Long Term Recovery

Neurologist Stasha Gominak MD believes the key to recovery is sleep. here are some of the questions she answered that were asked by you!

Question 1

I tried to take  lots of L tyrosine to help smooth out amino acid therapy on/off times at the recommendation of the doctor overseeing the
amino acid therapy. I could not sleep because symptoms were so much worse, but when I did sleep, I had the worst nightmares imaginable.
I tried this several times and each time the same result. Any idea why this is?

Question 2

M questions for the session on sleep are – I generally find that I can fall asleep quite easily – but I very frequently wake up after two or three hours with a lot of pain. I tend to be quite immobile in bed and usually sleep on my back and after some time get quite uncomfortable and find it difficult to move.

Are there any suggestions about how I can become more mobile and more comfortable. I’ve asked several people about this but nobody has any really good suggestions.

Related to this – I’ve a very weird thing that
happens which is that my left ankle becomes quite
fixed in position in bed – and quite uncomfortable.
This frequently also affects the pain in my back
as apparently there is a link between the muscles
in the ankle and the back.

Question 3

My PD meds make me sleepy, so I take them basically 24 hours a day. They help me sleep at night — but would it be a deep sleep or not? That’s my fear, that I may not be getting enough deep sleep.

I also take Melatonin on a regular basis.  Carbohydrates, too, put me to sleep, so I often eat rice cakes before bed.

Question 4

What about those of us who are up because we
need to use the bathroom? And. how does one deal
with the PDdrugs when the body awakens seeming to need them during the night.

Lastly it is often very difficult to walk in the early morning hours which make the trips very difficult?


Sleep and Parkinson’s Disease

Now you may be able to prevent or reverse your Parkinson’s disease while you sleep…

Dr. Stasha Gominak MD received her medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine and completed her Neurology residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

From 2004 to 2016 she had a busy general neurology practice where she became fascinated with issues connected with sleep disorders. She published several pivotal articles about the global struggle with worsening sleep. Since 2016 she has divided her time between teaching the public about sleep and teaching clinicians the RightSleep© method of sleep repair.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Today I hosted a fascinating radio show interview with Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton PhD and David Sage who discussed the impressive research documenting the effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for treatment of a wide variety of symptoms.  If your recovery program is stuck in the mud at the present moment, I encourage you to listen to the replay of this informative interview .

All About Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy and the Bemer

This 2 1/2 minute video demonstrates the perfusion of capillaries during the course of a Bemer treatment. White white blood cells (leukocytes) are increased, red blood cells are disassembled and blood flow in dramatically increased.

Research on pulsed electromagnetic field therapy reports a series of positive outcomes including modulation of inflammation, reduction of pain, promotion of tissue repair and regeneration, improvement of neurological and cardiac functions, reduction of fatigue, acceleration of recovery from strokes and support of detoxification. These positive outcomes might clearly have a positive benefit for persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

If you are interested in purchasing a Bemer or locating a practitioner in you local area, email me at: robert@parkinsonsrecovery.com





Is Parkinson’s Degenerative?

Many people hold the belief near and dear to their heart that Parkinson’s disease is “degenerative.” Is this really true? Has anyone out there actually reversed their symptoms and if they have, how did they do it?

The radio show today answers these questions. First, I report results of a holiday survey which asks persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease whether they were better, the same or worse now when compared to the holiday season a year ago.As you will discover by listening to a detailed discussed of the results, a vast majority of respondents reported they were better or the same relative to one year ago. In other words, the first answer to the question is no. Parkinson’s is not “degenerative” for many people.

OK. What did people do to get better? I report and  discuss each answer to the second question in the survey: What therapies were helping? You will be excited to learn that there are dozens of therapies that are making a big difference for people currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.


Amino Acid Therapy for Parkinson’s

Marty Hinz MD, known internationally for developing an amino acid protocol, discusses the following questions during the program today:

  1. What is the primary cause of Parkinson’s disease?
  2. What the most effective Parkinson’s disease treatment?
  3. What is carbidopa?
  4. Why is carbidopa used?
  5. How does carbidopa deplete vitamin B6?
  6. What happens when vitamin B6 depletes?

He is joined by Dr. Ross Stuart PhD who discusses the clinical experience with his patients using the amino acid protocol. And finally, Michael joins us to discuss his personal experience with using an amino acid protocol.


Bill Curtis’ Positive Experiences with Ketones and Parkinson’s Disease

William Curtis talks about his efforts to understand how ketones have helped with his Parkinson’s symptoms.  He developed Parkinson’s symptoms at the age of 45 in the year 2000 and has been instrumental in collaborating with NIH researcher Richard Veech in Washington DC..

What follows are the questions I ask Bill during the interview today on Parkinsons Recovery Radio.

How did Parkinson’s affect your life?

What led you to experiment with ketosis?

After the ketogenic exercise, what did you do to find out more about how ketosis could help your Parkinson’s symptoms?

What is the purpose of fasting?

What is the purpose of the morning fat and coffee mixture?

What happens when you eat too much carbohydrate?

What happens when you eat too much protein?

Can exercise take you out of ketosis?

Can stress take you out of ketosis?

What supplements do you take to support ketosis?

What do you think is causing the improvement in symptoms?

Have you been able to cut back on the Parkinson’s medications?

What do you think is going on as far as the disease progression you personally are experiencing?

Where do you think the use of ketosis in Parkinson’s is going?
