Is It Possible to Regenerate Our Brain?

– What is your FAN-C approach to brain regeneration?

F- is for functional, A- for assessment, N-for nerve health nutrients, and -C, for cellular regeneration.

– What is laser activated and guided stem cell treatments?

Our newest addition to treatment, the very exciting very small embryonic stem cells, from our own bodies, get activated using red laser light, and then are given back to the body to help aid it’s healing capacity.

– Hope:

We are living at an incredible time, with many new procedures showing great promise and most importantly, we are getting real world results.

Dr. Gregory Eckel has spent the last 20+ years developing and refining his unique approach to chronic neurological conditions. In addition to his experience in clinical practice using a combination of Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine, he has a deep personal connection with chronic neurological disease since his wife Sarieah passed of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a condition with no known cure.

As she was the love of his life, he took a deep dive into research and uncovered regenerative medicine and the development of a brain regenerative program. In loving memory of his wife, he has continued to help others with neurodegenerative diseases improve their quality of life and find natural solutions.

Dr. Eckel is a highly respected international lecturer, author, and expert in integrative care for neurodegeneration. Co-Founder and owner of Nature Cures Clinic in Portland, Oregon,

Website: Energy 4 Life Centers

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

The Cultural Brain and the Immune System

Dr. Mario E. Martinez, a clinical neuropsychologist, established the Biocognitive Science Institute™ in 1998. He developed a theory of mindbodyculture he calls Biocognition to suggests how cognition and biology coemerge with their cultural history in a bio-informational field that seeks maximum contextual relevance.

Mario Martinez’s theory of biocognitive science proposes that the brain learns to interpret symbols and their biological correlates from cultural contexts. He is the proponent of cultural psychoneuroimmunology (how cultural beliefs affect the regulation of nervous, immune, and endocrine systems). The plasticity of our brain allows for reversals of dysfunctional behavior learned from the cultural reality we weave to perceive our world.

Biocognitive Science Institute

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Lessons Learned from Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Questions Mountain Sage Addressed:

* Is recovery primarily mental or does “getting out of your mind” help?

* How does “You do not think till you pull the trigger” apply to recovery?

* Why are people who experience Parkinson’s symptoms always so active?

* How do you react in public when tremors flare?

* Is sleep important?

* How to you get into the deep sleep that promotes recovery?

* How has V2VG (Vet to Vet Group) helped you out?

* Does helping others help you when you yourself need help?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease

This interview is with naturopath John Coleman who has just released his new book:Rethinking Parkinsons Disease which is to date, the most thorough exploration of the etiological pathways (causes) leading to diagnosis with Parkinson’s disease or similar neuro disorders.

Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease explains how and why trauma, toxins and stealth infections create symptoms diagnosed as a “disease”, usually treated without any further investigation into prodromal history, early life, toxic load or the possibility of infection.

The major section of this work details strategies to create wellness and reverse the illness processes, much available to patients with little or no cost. There are sections on Western Allopathic Medical treatments (symptom control), Complementary Medical treatments and therapies to avoid.

Robert Rodgers Phd
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

New Probiotic Formulated for Parkinsons

Martha Carlin, CEO and Founder of The BioCollective, Citizen Scientist and wife of John Carlin, an 18 year “veteran” of Parkinson’s Disease discusses their journey together to find supportive therapies for better quality of life and her company’s development of the probiotic BiotiQuest Sugar Shift.

Martha  discusses her Company’s research in the Parkinson’s Microbiome, emerging research in gut health and constipation as an early indicator of Parkinson’s, and the foundational science behind the Sugar Shift formula.

The BiotiQuest Sugar Shift formula was designed to make mannitol in the gut with eight strains of probiotic bacteria the work together to convert Glucose and Fructose in the body in to mannitol. Research company website Probiotics website

Information on Martha’s Parkinsons work

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Using Hypnotherapy and NLP for Parkinson’s

Patrick Singleton discusses his experience working with Parkinson’s disease using the tools of hypnotherapy, NLP,and Inner Mind Sourcing. Hypnotherapy And NLP access the Subconscious Mind which runs the automatic nervous system. His presentation centers around the profound impact emotions and stress have on Parkinson’s symptoms and what can be dome about their impact.\

Contact Patrick for by calling: 505-577-1436
He resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Can Carbon 60 Reduce Parkinson’s Symptoms?

This interview with Kenneth Swartz, CEO of C60 Purple Power, previews the Amazing Health Benefits of the Super Antioxidant C60.

C60 is designed to be a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from oxidative stress, significantly reduces inflammation and supports increased energy, performance and endurance.

Also check out our Youtube Channel C60 Purple Power for several dozen videos on the Health benefits of C60.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


18 Dogs with a Nose for Parkinson’s Disease

PADs for Parkinson’s is the only nonprofit organization in North America dedicated to the training of dogs for the detection of Parkinson’s Disease. Today, PADs supports and maintains 18 dogs in the program. Ranging from Poodles to Pomeranians. Schnauzers to Shepherds – Herding to Hunting, all with the amazing ability to sniff out an odor molecule among hundreds of thousand of organic compounds.

PADs has been training dogs for Parkinson’s detection since early 2016. Just four months after the discovery of an odor associated with Parkinson’s Disease. The PADs training facility is located in the Northwest on San Juan Island. You can visit (Parkinson’s Alert Dogs) PADs online at

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Learning How to Move Better with Parkinson’s

Michelle Turner Created Movement Lesson™ LLC, a unique therapy method that utilizes a combination of gentle touch through rotational and purposeful movement within the principles of oppositional gravity through counterbalance and rotation to create an individualized and profoundly effective therapy session.

What are the 3 main concerns to be active with Parkinsons. Michelle explains how you can improve your bodys key stabilizers

1. Balance Walking better – Benefits of Pole Walking – Maintaining an active lifestyle

2. Sleep Learning how to lie down Exercises I can do for relaxing my body

3. Speech/Vision Working the room. How vision will improve every movement in my body. Exercises to improve speech and vision. Exercises to improve breathing with rotation

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Frequencies for the Defense of Our Immune System

Guests on the radio show today were Jill Mattson and Sharry Edwards. What a fascinating discussion!


Our immune system is our best defense against illness. Sharry Edwards, who founded the science of BioAcoustics, has determined that with the onslaught of the current pandemic, the body is in dire need of specific nutrients to help counter the Coronavirus. Two critical ones are glutathione and quercetin. A healthy immune system always needs these nutrients – and in the case of the Coronavirus, they are extraordinarily essential.

Mattson’s compositions contain Edwards’ Frequency Equivalents of glutathione and quercetin. There are seven other Frequency Equivalents of substances that boost the effectiveness of the immune system. (Vitamin C, adrenaline, epinephrine, ACTH, and others.) You ingest sound and your body uses this energy. We currently cannot prevent infection by the Coronavirus, but we can help significantly reduce the severity of the disease by building up our immune systems.

Embedded in Mattson’s music are frequencies for emotional clearing and healing. There are frequencies for a dozen flower essences and twelve crystals! The music is profoundly calming and provides a peaceful feeling amidst the tension surrounded by the coronavirus epidemic. When your body is at peace and relaxed, it devotes more energy to the building and repair of your body.

BioAcoustic pioneer Sharry Edwards is offering to do a free profile of your voice print to check out the integrity of your defense against the corona virus.

Link to Corona Class on Westall’s site:

Here is Sharry’s website:

Jill Mattson’s website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery