Lexie answers questions regarding her remarkable 5 year experience of taking Low Dose Naltrexone for her own Parkinson’s Disease. LDN is a proven-safe (by the FDA in 50mg doses!), off-label prescription drug, which has gained a great deal of attention over the past few years due to it’s remarkable disease modifying effects of controlling and reversing symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Why does Lexie have so many of the answers about LDN?
Lexie was officially diagnosed with PD in 2008, although her non-motor symptoms began about 20 years before that time. Over time Lexie has been able to titrate off her daily use of traditional PD medications, while controlling and reversing most of her own PD symptoms, thanks to LDN. You won’t want to miss this most informative show!
Recommend websites for more information on LDN:
Dr. David Gluck, M.D’s website: www.ldninfo.org
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery