Dopamine Depletion and the Dopamine Challenge According to David Overton

What does dopamine depletion mean?
What are the symptoms?
What organs are affected?
How do you manage dopamine depletion?
What is the dopamine challenge test?
Can labs test for dopamine depletion?

Physician Assistant David Overton answers these and other questions about Parkinson’s, tremors and dopamine depletion.

Dopamine depletion affects between 8% to 17% of people A few of the problems associated with dopamine deficiency include anemia,, balance problems, blood sugar problems, bone density problems, circulation problems, digestion problems, food cravings, hand tremors, head and facial tremors, heart problems, low or high blood pressure, inability to lose weight, kidney problems, light headedness, low sex drive, nicotine cravings, obesity, Parkinson’s or Parkinson’s like symptoms, slow metabolism, slow or rigid movements, substance abuse, tension, tremors and thyroid disorders.

Dopamine problems are also related to personality problems: aggression, anger, carelessness, depression, guilt or feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, inability to handle stress, mood swings, procrastination and self destructive thoughts.

David will discuss these issues and how best to manage dopamine problems.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


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