Critical Role of Good Hydration for Successful Recovery

Since everyone depends on water for our very survival, it makes perfect sense that dehydration can inevitably result in problematic symptoms. Jaroslav Boublik PhD answers a wide variety of questions about the effects of dehydration on your health and what you can do about it. Dr. Boublik’s area of research centers around the effects of dehydration and is a co-developer of the Aquas:

Here is a short list of the questions he answers:

  • Isn’t it possible to get better hydrated by simply drinking more water?
  • Why does the body become more dehydrated as we age?
  • Why is hydration so essential to a detox program?
  • How does taking the following foods help or hinder hydration: salt, energy drinks, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.
  • How can a person know whether they are dehydrated?
  • What are the issues with the sources of drinking water?
  • What are the issues with structured water products?
  • Can good hydration …
    1. Address the symptoms of diseases?
    2. Improve mental clarity?
    3. Improve digestion?
    4. Soften skin tissue and help us look younger?
    5. Help to control a person’s body weight?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

All About Hydration and Dehydration

Listen to a Q&A with an international expert on good hydration for health and wellness. Jaroslav Boublik PhD is the “go to” resource for how to drink the right water to hydration cells throughout your body which makes for good hydration.

Good Hydration
Good Hydration

When you your doctor answers the question: “What can I do to feel better?” by saying – “Drink more water” Do not laugh. Your doctor is probably right.

Dr. Boublik is, in my book of experts, the international expert on water and hydration. His research centers around the effects of dehydration. Dr. Boublik answers questions about the effects of dehydration on your health and how you can realistically address problems such as:

  • Why do we get dehydrated as we age?
  • Why is hydration so important to eliminate toxins?
  • If I add such substances to my diet such as – salt, energy drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol, colas, milk – will I be better hydrated?
  • What are the symptoms of dehydration?
  • Is drinking structured water a good idea?
  • Can good hydration reduce Parkinson’s symptoms?
  • Will better hydration enhance mental clarity?

Jaroslov Boublik is also one of the two amazing developers of the Aquas ( a homeopathic treatment for dehydration.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Effects of Dehydration

On the program today I interview Dr. Jaroslav Boublik PhD whose research centers around the health effects of dehydration. He will answer a wide variety of questions today about the effects of dehydration on your health and how you can realistically address the problem. Dr. Boublik is one of the developers of the Aqua Hydration Formulas

Dehydration and the Symptoms of Parkinson’s

Many people have asked me questions about how to hydrate cells and tissues in their body properly. Take this opportunity to get your questions answered by an international researcher of hydration who knows all about how to reverse the symptoms created by a body that is dehydrated.

Dr. Jaroslav Boublik has an extensive background in biochemistry and neuroedocrinology. He devoted 10 years to drug development before moving into nutritional biochemistry with a research focus on hydration. Dr. Boublik is an international expert on hydration and is one of the developers of Aquas, a homeopathic remedy that was developed to help hydrate the body

Much of this interest was sparked by his involvement in sports as a runner, mountain biker and windsurfer. Aquas were originally developed to assist Jaroslav in training for and subsequently running a marathon in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia.

Information about the Aquas