The Cultural Brain and the Immune System

Dr. Mario E. Martinez, a clinical neuropsychologist, established the Biocognitive Science Institute™ in 1998. He developed a theory of mindbodyculture he calls Biocognition to suggests how cognition and biology coemerge with their cultural history in a bio-informational field that seeks maximum contextual relevance.

Mario Martinez’s theory of biocognitive science proposes that the brain learns to interpret symbols and their biological correlates from cultural contexts. He is the proponent of cultural psychoneuroimmunology (how cultural beliefs affect the regulation of nervous, immune, and endocrine systems). The plasticity of our brain allows for reversals of dysfunctional behavior learned from the cultural reality we weave to perceive our world.

Biocognitive Science Institute

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Can Carbon 60 Reduce Parkinson’s Symptoms?

This interview with Kenneth Swartz, CEO of C60 Purple Power, previews the Amazing Health Benefits of the Super Antioxidant C60.

C60 is designed to be a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from oxidative stress, significantly reduces inflammation and supports increased energy, performance and endurance.

Also check out our Youtube Channel C60 Purple Power for several dozen videos on the Health benefits of C60.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery