Shortcut to Hope and Healing

This interview is with Lilian Sjoberg who works extensively with persons currently experiencing Parkinsons symptoms. Parkinsons is traditionally diagnosed as a disease which only gets worse over time. This book challenges that view.

  1. The book is based upon the connection between stress and Parkinson’s. Can you elaborate on this connection?
  2. What’s the most common misconception about Parkinson’s that your book challenges?
  3. This book features interviews – why this format, and what makes these stories so compelling?
  4. What are some practical stress reduction strategies readers can implement after reading your book?
  5. Many people feel hopeless when diagnosed with Parkinson’s. How does your book address this?
  6. Can you share a brief, inspiring story from one of the interviewees?
  7. What makes this book essential reading for everyone, not just for those with Parkinson’s?
  8. Many people with Parkinson’s feel isolated. How does your book foster a sense of community and shared experience?

Interviews of people with a Parkinson’s diagnosis from around the world reveal that it does not have to be this way. Instead, hope and self-reflection can be part of the solution to a better life.

People can recover or improve, not via quick fixes or miracles, but with supporting psychotherapy and an understanding of why the body, due to chronic stress or trauma, has ended up reacting the way it does.

My faceblog group where Gary Sharpe and I post:

My webpage:

The book:


Can Rapamycin be Helpful for Parkinson’s Disease Patients?

An in-depth discussion of rapamycin, mTOR and autophagy and how they influence you health and your aging process. The interview airs Wednesday, August 3rd at 12:00 noon pacific time

Natural Pharmacist Ross Pelton will preview the benefits of this little known medicine.

1. How was rapamycin discovered and why is it important?

2. The terms mTOR and autophagy are in the title of your book. Can you tell our listeners what these terms mean and why they are important?

   3.  You coined the term mTOR Syndrome. Can you explain what mTOR Syndrome is and who suffers from it?
  4.   Why do so many people suffer from mTOR Syndrome?
  5.  What are the health benefits of taking rapamycin?
  6.  Are there any studies reporting that rapamycin might benefit PD patients?
  7.   What are the barriers or roadblocks that hinder rapamycin’s acceptance as a life extension drug?
  8.  How can people get their physician to write them a prescription for rapamycin?
   9. Are there natural methods of rebalancing the mTOR/Autophagy ratio?
  10.  At what age can people start taking rapamycin?
  11.  Are there any side effects from taking rapamycin?
  1. The Rapamcyin Story: An interview with Ross Pelton, author of Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome, which was published in the June 2022 issue of Life Extension magazine.

  1. Rapamycin: A Quantum Leap in Life Extension: Article was published in the Aug. 4, 2022 issue of the Townsend Leter.

  1. Rapamycin: Extending Health Span and Life Span:  Article was published in Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal Vol. 21, No. 2, May 2022.

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A Novel Approach for Reducing Stress that Fuels Parkinson’s Symptoms

Lilian Sjøberg is a Danish coach and trouble shooter, good at seeing patterns, with a masters in biology. For five years, she has collected knowledge about how people around the world get better from chronic diseases, such as Parkinson’s Disease, and coached people to get better by reducing stress. Her mission is to spread self-help tools and accessible therapies to all people with symptoms, stress, and diagnoses.

Lilian has created her online HOPE-shortcut programme, based on this knowledge and experience, which currently consists of a stress test, practical course and coaching sessions:

H: get new hope – you can get better, learn a new way of thinking about symptoms;

O: observe your symptoms – so you know if your symptoms are decreasing or not –  notice the variation and be aware of which situations that make your symptoms flare up;

P: pacify your symptoms, learn about the 4 main strategies that people around the world use to reduce symptoms;

E: engage yourself – get extra motivation to start the journey to better health and be persistent;


Modern medicine uses biochemistry as the science of healing, but research is uncovering that Bioenergetics, an exciting, emerging area of 21st century medicine is a more effective, life-sustaining approach that heals all living systems.

Your body is made up of 70-100 trillion cells, and these cells perform thousands of biochemical functions every day. But what controls the biochemistry of your body? Well, we now know that the answer is Energy.

Every living thing on the planet gives & receives energy including the cells in your body! This energy forms fields in your body we call collectively  the Body-Field.

Your Body-Field transmits information to your cells own energy fields about what biochemical functions to perform and in what order- it is the information-software that directs your organisms energy-hardware. When this energy is blocked, the information is also blocked or gets distorted, and your body ceases to function the way it should.

The Cultural Brain and the Immune System

Dr. Mario E. Martinez, a clinical neuropsychologist, established the Biocognitive Science Institute™ in 1998. He developed a theory of mindbodyculture he calls Biocognition to suggests how cognition and biology coemerge with their cultural history in a bio-informational field that seeks maximum contextual relevance.

Mario Martinez’s theory of biocognitive science proposes that the brain learns to interpret symbols and their biological correlates from cultural contexts. He is the proponent of cultural psychoneuroimmunology (how cultural beliefs affect the regulation of nervous, immune, and endocrine systems). The plasticity of our brain allows for reversals of dysfunctional behavior learned from the cultural reality we weave to perceive our world.

Biocognitive Science Institute

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Can Carbon 60 Reduce Parkinson’s Symptoms?

This interview with Kenneth Swartz, CEO of C60 Purple Power, previews the Amazing Health Benefits of the Super Antioxidant C60.

C60 is designed to be a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from oxidative stress, significantly reduces inflammation and supports increased energy, performance and endurance.

Also check out our Youtube Channel C60 Purple Power for several dozen videos on the Health benefits of C60.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery