Shortcut to Hope and Healing

This interview is with Lilian Sjoberg who works extensively with persons currently experiencing Parkinsons symptoms. Parkinsons is traditionally diagnosed as a disease which only gets worse over time. This book challenges that view.

  1. The book is based upon the connection between stress and Parkinson’s. Can you elaborate on this connection?
  2. What’s the most common misconception about Parkinson’s that your book challenges?
  3. This book features interviews – why this format, and what makes these stories so compelling?
  4. What are some practical stress reduction strategies readers can implement after reading your book?
  5. Many people feel hopeless when diagnosed with Parkinson’s. How does your book address this?
  6. Can you share a brief, inspiring story from one of the interviewees?
  7. What makes this book essential reading for everyone, not just for those with Parkinson’s?
  8. Many people with Parkinson’s feel isolated. How does your book foster a sense of community and shared experience?

Interviews of people with a Parkinson’s diagnosis from around the world reveal that it does not have to be this way. Instead, hope and self-reflection can be part of the solution to a better life.

People can recover or improve, not via quick fixes or miracles, but with supporting psychotherapy and an understanding of why the body, due to chronic stress or trauma, has ended up reacting the way it does.

My faceblog group where Gary Sharpe and I post:

My webpage:

The book:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Q&A with Dr. Amy Yasko

Dr. Amy Yasko has a PhD in Microbiology/Immunology/infectious Disease from Albany Medical College and has completed multiple postdoctoral fellowships at the Yale Medical center, Wilmot Cancer Center URMC and Pediatric Infectious Disease at URMC.

After working in biotechnology for 15 years. Dr. Amy shifted her focus to alternative healthcare. She has a Doctor of Natural Health, is a board-certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, a board certified Holistic Health Practitioners and a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine.

Following the completion of her traiing in Natural Health Dr. Amy began giving in -person consultations in Bethel, Maine. This work laid the foundation for the Yasko Protocol over 20 years ago which was created to serve as a guide for individuals to built a personalized map for health and wellness by making choices grounded in science.

In this interview, Dr. Amy Yasko will discuss how the Yasko Protocol can be applied to those with neurological disorders, with a focus on Parkinson’s disease. The protocol emphasizes a data driven approach by using the results of non-invasive at-home test kits to help guide individuals on how to best support their unique system with the use of natural supplementation.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

A Novel Approach for Reducing Stress that Fuels Parkinson’s Symptoms

Lilian Sjøberg is a Danish coach and trouble shooter, good at seeing patterns, with a masters in biology. For five years, she has collected knowledge about how people around the world get better from chronic diseases, such as Parkinson’s Disease, and coached people to get better by reducing stress. Her mission is to spread self-help tools and accessible therapies to all people with symptoms, stress, and diagnoses.

Lilian has created her online HOPE-shortcut programme, based on this knowledge and experience, which currently consists of a stress test, practical course and coaching sessions:

H: get new hope – you can get better, learn a new way of thinking about symptoms;

O: observe your symptoms – so you know if your symptoms are decreasing or not –  notice the variation and be aware of which situations that make your symptoms flare up;

P: pacify your symptoms, learn about the 4 main strategies that people around the world use to reduce symptoms;

E: engage yourself – get extra motivation to start the journey to better health and be persistent;

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease

This interview is with naturopath John Coleman who has just released his new book:Rethinking Parkinsons Disease which is to date, the most thorough exploration of the etiological pathways (causes) leading to diagnosis with Parkinson’s disease or similar neuro disorders.

Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease explains how and why trauma, toxins and stealth infections create symptoms diagnosed as a “disease”, usually treated without any further investigation into prodromal history, early life, toxic load or the possibility of infection.

The major section of this work details strategies to create wellness and reverse the illness processes, much available to patients with little or no cost. There are sections on Western Allopathic Medical treatments (symptom control), Complementary Medical treatments and therapies to avoid.

Robert Rodgers Phd
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Unshackling the Chains of Fear

Fred Phillips offers his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinsons symptoms. His solutions for Parkinsons symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that you listen to my interview with Fred today. He also previews his 10 step program to recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Six Life Changing Energy Healing Methods

How to Release Emotional Stress, Pain and Illness

Stress and trauma lurk behind most diseases, including Parkinsons. John ODwyer has authored a book which describes a number of modern energy balancing methods for dealing with emotional stress, trauma and other imbalances. He will discuss energy healing and ways to reduce stress and trauma, often permanently. Some energy healing techniques you can do yourself and others can be done with a practitioner. Most doctors are not familiar with these forms of healing, even though some of them were actually developed by doctors.

Energy healing has been used to reverse ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, PTSD and other serious conditions in some individuals.

John O’Dwyer’s website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Interview with John Coleman, ND

This interview is with naturopath doctor John Coleman from Australia who, to my knowledge, is one of the first persons to successfully reverse his own Parkinson’s symptoms.

John offers his answers to the following eight questions which were previously submitted by members of my listening audience.

  1. My wife has been anemic just after experiencing Parkinson’s symptoms. Her iron levels are too low. What steps should she take to remedy this situation?
  2. Can I give my mother B12 vitamins for her condition?
  3. How does one deal with orthostatic hypotension (or low blood pressure)?
  4. I have tried many therapies over the past five years but the Parkinson’s symptoms continue to progress. Treatments included two stem cell treatments and other treatments out of the country. There was an initial improvement over the initial 6 months, but these benefits faded away.  What supplements have you found that help the most?
  5. Have you seen a connection for many people of Lipitor (a statin drug developed to reduce levels of the “bad” cholesterol) with Parkinson’s symptoms?
  6. How can I get the best movement possible with the least amount of medications?
  7. What will carbidopa help and what will it not help?
  8. What was most helpful to you in your own recovery process?

Information about Aquas:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Lessons Learned about Recovery and Living a Long, Vibrant Life

On this radio show Deb Caruana, ERYT, RN, MES, CPT, Yoga Inspired Wellness Coach and Detox Coach.talks about her fascinating journey down a long and winding road that brought her to the doorway of Parkinson’s. She shares valuable lessons that have helped reverse some of her Parkinson’s symptoms as she continues on her path “to completely recover and live for another 40 years”.

Deborah reports: “I’m just learning so much everyday!” She shares a treasure house of valuable information for any and all persons who, like her, are traveling down the rocky road to recovery.

Subjects to be covered during the show include detoxing, food, mental and physical hygiene, excessive thinking, past traumas and how EMDR is so incredibly helpful as well as EFT.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)

My guest today is Dr. David Berceli, PhD, creator of TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) which is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

Dr. Berceli explains the potential therapeutic value of tremors in this Youtube video and is the author of Shake it Off Naturally.

This Youtube video is a testimonial of a man diagnosed with Essential Tremors who found TRE helpful.

For further information and to find a practitioner visit TRE®

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

The Emotion Code

John O’Dwyer (whose wife has symptoms of Parkinson’s) explains and demonstrates how specific trapped emotions can be identified and released using The Emotion Code TM. This work paves the way for healing certain imbalances associated with Parkinson’s disease. John’s website is:

To Order the book on Amazon click on The Emotion Code.

John O’Dwyer who discusses The Emotion Code and its application to Parkinson’s. He also provides a live demonstration of how it is applied using an issue that has been of concern to me personally for many years.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery