Update from Chris Hageseth MD

Robert and I have recorded interviews three times in the past:

  1. September 2016: Five years no medications. Parkinson’s improving. How I had gone for 5 years without meds and was doing well using exercise and yoga
  2. January 2017: Wholistic (or holistic) how different PWPs approach their treatment.
  3. October 2018: Shifting the Parkinson’s disease mindset.
  • This is my fourth appearance on the show today, and I still hold to my beliefs.  
  1. EXERCISE. EXERCISE, EXERCISE. I cannot exercise as hard as I did before. Gradually I had to walk more and jog less. Could only 3 – 4 miles.
  2. More convinced than ever that MINDSET/ATTITUDE is the key, PARKINSON’S IS A CHALLENGE, NOT A CURSE.  When I was formally diagnosed, I was 70 years old. Life expectancy for me was 84.1. Well, now I’m 82.4. In a year and a half, I will have reached my life expectancy.
  3. YOGA remains critical.
  4. WAIT UNTIL you really must take Levodopa. Levodopa induced dyskinesia (LID) is a real deal and can be disabling. Google it on YouTube. 
  • Let’s look at my life since we last met, year by year.

2018 – I shot a video titled So High So Low for the “I HAD A DREAM PROJECT” where I hiked a three mile walk trail and climbed a thousand feet. 

Link: https://www.ihadadreamproject.com/i-had-a-dream-project-videos 

That year I also went to Uganda to demonstrate the practices I used to manage so long without meds. (Robert, this is quite a tale, plus I have pictures.)

  • 2019 – After directing the local Parkinson’s support group, I resigned so new blood could take over.

BUT: New symptoms emerged that I didn’t know about:

  1. Anomia: a language specific disturbance arising after brain damage whose main symptom is the inability of retrieving known words. But it’s not dementia!
  2. Pseudo Bulbar Affect Crying or laughing excessively upon feeling any deep feeling.
  3. Dysphagia: difficulty or discomfort in swallowing as a symptom of disease. It starts out with mucus as postnasal drip. Get to an OT!
  4. Oily, flakey skin
  5. Sleep disturbances. Fall into deep sleep in the middle of the day. And then don’t sleep well at night.
  6. Pain in bed at night. Interfered with sleep.
  • 2020 – It was a remarkable and horrific year. PANDEMIC!

No more yoga classes! No gym with weightlifting. Social interaction approached zero. 

  • 2021 – Then, a condition worse than Parkinson’s emerged: Major Depression.

March 2021 – Fell and shattered right knee – 16 days in hospital.

July 2021 – Fell and broke my right hip.

August – Severe depression, I became suicidal.

September – Chose to have a course of electro-convulsive therapy (ECT)

October- It worked, and my PD improved a lot.

The falls were due to the antidepressant I was taking may increase fall for people with Parkinsons.

LESSON: Make sure you MD goes through all meds in case a med might make falling more likely

My story with Depression

Family history is strong.

Parkinson’s did not cause my suicidal depression, genetics and environment did.  Antidepressant medication failed to work and led to my falls!

2022 – I returned to my new normal. And that’s where I am today. I just have more symptoms and feel weaker.

I followed up with PWPs who I have advised in the past.

It became clear to me: I want to coach people with PD. 


Teach PWPs how to become a “Bad Ass with PD.” 

No more withdrawal and depression.  

New website www.the-kindness-dialogue.com 

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

John Coleman ND Talks About His Full Recovery from Parkinson’s

Who was the first person to succeed in reversing all symptoms of their Parkinsons disease? We obviously cannot know for sure, but naturopath doctor John Coleman, ND, was one of the first – if not the first to reverse his own Parkinsons symptoms during the mid 1990s.

What is the story behind John Colemans recovery? How in the world did he figure out how to heal his neurological symptoms when no one else had succeeded before him? What therapies helped his recovery? Which ones did not? John answers these and other questions during this remarkable interview with him.

This interview with John Coleman ND was originally aired on Parkinsons Recovery Radio in 2010. You will be surprised at his revelations about what made the most difference to the success of his recovery in this interview.

For more information about the Aquas visit: https://www.aquas.us

For more information about Johns 12 step recovery program, visit: https://parkinsonsrecoveryprogram.com

Robert Rodgers PhD

Shifting the Parkinsons Disease Mindset

Dr. Hageseth dates his first non-motor symptoms to 2004 when his sense of smell disappeared. In 2008 he developed severe constipation which he has had ever since. In 2011 he saw the emergence of a tremor in his right hand which progressed over the following year to involve his entire right side. It went on to include stooped posture, shuffling gait, and problems with balance. A neurologist confirmed his diagnosis in 2012. He tried three different medications over the next four months but discontinued each one due to side effects or lack of efficacy.

His neurologist gave him one piece of advice: EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE.

A year later many of his symptoms had regressed. He attributed his improvement to the intensity of his exercise and taking up yoga. He established his first website: Sweating Out Parkinsons Disease. He intended to encourage other PWPs to follow his example.

By 2014 he was doing so well that he had a DAT scan to confirm the diagnosis of PD. It was positive.

Over the last year and a half, he explored why more people are not doing better with PD. It was then that he started to examine how the mind may influence the course of PD. Exercise is the key to living a full life with PD, But if the mind does not believe the degree of improvement that exercise can achieve. Then improvement will only go so far.

Because of the problem of dyskinesia developing after five years on levodopa, he thinks newly diagnosed should pursue a program of great intensity and focus and manage their minds, so they realize they can live with PD and not require levodopa.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Wholistic or Holistic. How Different Parkinsons People Approach Their Treatment

Since appearing on this show last fall, Dr. Hageseth has consulted with scores of what he calls Parkinsons People (PPs). PPs consist of Persons with Parkinsons (PwPs), caregivers, interested family and many different professionals.

Overall PPs are dissatisfied with allopathic medicine, but dissatisfied or not, many take medications with considerable benefit. The majority feel their neurologists do not take enough time with them or discuss other options with them.

The Internet abounds with alternative approaches, but sadly, most offer little data or studies to support their claims. I have interviewed several PPs who tried different treatments but with no success.

Holistic medicine should have a W at the start of the word. Allopathic medicine helps, but it has its difficulties. I envision Wholistic medicine to include allopathic medicine and a healthy dose of Alternative Medicine as well.

The following quotes sum up my approach to PD

Don’t battle PD . . . challenge it – better yet, dance with it.

Do not resign yourself to PD, accept it and get on with your life.

Only you can engage your BodyMind to bring about self-directed neuroplastic change that will rewire your brain.

BUT it’s not up to your neurologist, IT’S UP TO YOU!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Six Life Changing Energy Healing Methods

How to Release Emotional Stress, Pain and Illness

Stress and trauma lurk behind most diseases, including Parkinsons. John ODwyer has authored a book which describes a number of modern energy balancing methods for dealing with emotional stress, trauma and other imbalances. He will discuss energy healing and ways to reduce stress and trauma, often permanently. Some energy healing techniques you can do yourself and others can be done with a practitioner. Most doctors are not familiar with these forms of healing, even though some of them were actually developed by doctors.

Energy healing has been used to reverse ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, PTSD and other serious conditions in some individuals.

John O’Dwyer’s website: https://www.chichoices.com

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

John Pepper on How He Reversed His Parkinson’s Symptoms

John Pepper, author of Reverse Parkinsons Disease, is not a doctor. He is a Parkinsons Patient with 51 years of experience. These are the actions, which have helped John reverse his symptoms.

  • Regular Energetic Exercise
  • Learn how to Take Conscious Control of all movements
  • Manage Stress Levels
  • Adopt a Positive Attitude

John Pepper discusses his discoveries as he has journeyed down the road to recovery. For more information visit John’s website: www.reverseparkinsons.net

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Lessons Learned about Recovery and Living a Long, Vibrant Life

On this radio show Deb Caruana, ERYT, RN, MES, CPT, Yoga Inspired Wellness Coach and Detox Coach.talks about her fascinating journey down a long and winding road that brought her to the doorway of Parkinson’s. She shares valuable lessons that have helped reverse some of her Parkinson’s symptoms as she continues on her path “to completely recover and live for another 40 years”.

Deborah reports: “I’m just learning so much everyday!” She shares a treasure house of valuable information for any and all persons who, like her, are traveling down the rocky road to recovery.

Subjects to be covered during the show include detoxing, food, mental and physical hygiene, excessive thinking, past traumas and how EMDR is so incredibly helpful as well as EFT.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Taming Your Gremlin

The show today airs a terrifically informative and practical interview done with Rick Carson, author of Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way and a delightful woman named Debi Eger who began having symptoms in 2001 and was diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2005. Debi has used Carsons Gremlin-Taming Method to manage the internal turmoil, emotional angst, and identity confusion that comes with the territory of living with Parkinsons.

Ms. Eger and Carson describe in simple terms how the exceedingly practical Gremlin-Taming Method can lead to inner peace even in the midst of outrageously difficult circumstances. Taming Your Gremlin is available as both a HarperCollins book and as an audio version via CD or download wherever books and audio are sold. For more information on Gremlin-Taming and Rick Carsons work, visit www.tamingyourgremlin.com.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

How “Access Bars” Can Reverse Parkinson’s Symptoms

Shereen Noon shares how she healed herself of cancer at 26, and is now focusing her healing abilities on Access Consciousness and The Access Bars. Access is making dramatic changes in peoples health and lives by ending judgments and conclusions, which lead to limitation and disease.

By being in the question and a state of receiving, humans can naturally flow into a state of healthy cellular functioning, freedom, and desirable life changes. Shereen describes the simple, non-invasive touch of The Bars and how it releases lifetimes of programming and conditioning that cause the disease in our lives and bodies.

When we receive the gentle touch on these 32 points on the head, anxiety, stress, confusion, and self-judgment are released, and the body and mind are supported in having less dramatic symptoms and flare-ups, healthier cell processing, and a greater sense of possibility for the future. How does it get any better than that?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Power of the Mind

Gord Summer traced his Parkinson’s symptoms back to July of 1999. Martial artist, instructor and scuba diver, Gord is now more active than ever after retiring from the ownership and operation of hotels. He discusses in some detail the therapies and approaches that help him enormously.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery