Stochastic Resonance Therapy for Parkinsons

Stochastic Resonance Therapy (SRT) was born in the German city of Frankfurt when Dietmar Schmidtbleicher developed a new training device for Olympic athletes. Since then, the whole-body vibration device he developed has been studied and shown to be effective in the treatment of Parkinson’s motor symptoms. While you may have already heard of the benefits of vibration therapy and Parkinson’s, chances are you haven’t heard of SRT until now.

SRT is different from other types of vibration devices. It delivers randomized and non-uniform oscillations and perturbations to the body, whereas all other devices on the market deliver uniform, sinusoidal vibrations. The random nature of SRT vibrations elicits the automatic stretch reflex in the muscles, which leads to postural adjustments being made in the spinal cord and the cerebellum (the part of the brain that automatically adjusts movement patterns). These adjustments keep the head still and the body upright while on the device. Hundreds to thousands of stimuli are delivered to the spinal cord and cerebellum in a matter of minutes.

In the literature, SRT has been shown to decrease tremor and rigidity, improve postural control and balance, and lead to better gait patterns in Parkinsons patients. For further information contact:

The following is an update on the status of the SRT therapy for use in the USA from Kyle Harris…

The SRT Zeptoring is available for purchase in the US by way the company in Berlin. It is primarily intended for use within a clinical setting, ie physical therapy clinic, and the price point reflects that. And as far as I know there’s are still only two units in the States.

However, it could be purchased for private in home use, cost being the prohibitive factor. It is equivalent to purchasing a luxury car.

I still hope to help this technology to the US, but the going has been incredibly difficult. Medical professionals are understandably hesitant to invest in a machine that they currently cannot bill for insurance. The SRT Zeptoring would easily clear the FDA requirements to be able to bill insurance, the German-based company is still waiting to officially expand here while they focus on expanding in Asia and continue to do very well in Europe.

Maybe some of your listeners would have the resources to be able to visit Germany to try the device. I would be more than happy to put them in contact with my contacts at the Berlin headquarters.

Hopefully in a a couple years we will be on he road to SRT being available via the US healthcare system.

Kyle Harris, MS, CSCS, SRT Zeptoring
Cell: 605.454.1418

Brady Volmering
Cell: 989.551.9503

Parkinsons Dis. 2016:2016:7948721. Postural Stability in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Is Improved after Stochastic Resonance Therapy


Background. Postural instability in Parkinson’s disease (PD) increases the risk of falls and is not improved by pharmacological therapy. Objective. We performed a double-blind, randomized sham-controlled study to test the effects of stochastic resonance (whole body vibration) therapy on postural stability in PD.

Methods. Fifty-six PD participants were allocated to either experimental or sham groups. The experimental group received four series of vibration over eight days, with each series consisting of six stimulus trains of 60-second duration using a randomized whole body vibration. Participants allocated to the control group received a sham treatment.

Results. Within-group analysis revealed that postural stability in the experimental group improved by 17.5% (p = 0.005) comparing experimental and sham groups. The between-group analysis of change after treatment comparing both groups also showed a significant improvement of postural stability (p = 0.03). Only in the within-group analysis several items were improved after Bonferroni correction, too, rigor 41.6% (p = 0.001), bradykinesia 23.7% (p = 0.001), tremor 30.8% (p = 0.006), and UPDRSIII sum score 23.9% (p = 0.000), but did not reach the level of significance in the between-group analysis.

Conclusions. Stochastic resonance therapy significantly enhanced postural stability even in individuals with increased risk of falling. Thus it offers a potential supplementation to canonical treatments of PD.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Folk Medicine for Parkinson’s

Barbara Frank is a Holistic Practitioner, Internationally Certified Lymphologist, author of a Nobel Nominated book How To Take 10 Years Off Your Face and Add 10 Years To Your Life Naturally, who uses Folk Medicine as well as purified herbs and natural modalities to help those who want to use her expertise.

She started 40 years ago and does telephone consultations for people all over the world and has had an enormous success rate. She grew up with her mother, grandfather and grandmother who practiced Folk Medicine and incorporates a lot of what she’s learned over the years and designs protocols for people based on their symptoms and complaints. This is Folk Medicine at its finest. For a full bio go to

Barbara Frank, world renowned Folk Medicine Practitioner and Internationally Certified Lymphologist, whose unorthodox approach to Biblical medical teachings from the bible uses those ancient teachings to change people’s lives so they can get to the state of body that they should be in.

Barbara’s products are available on the website below:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


John Coleman ND Talks About His Full Recovery from Parkinson’s

Who was the first person to succeed in reversing all symptoms of their Parkinsons disease? We obviously cannot know for sure, but naturopath doctor John Coleman, ND, was one of the first – if not the first to reverse his own Parkinsons symptoms during the mid 1990s.

What is the story behind John Colemans recovery? How in the world did he figure out how to heal his neurological symptoms when no one else had succeeded before him? What therapies helped his recovery? Which ones did not? John answers these and other questions during this remarkable interview with him.

This interview with John Coleman ND was originally aired on Parkinsons Recovery Radio in 2010. You will be surprised at his revelations about what made the most difference to the success of his recovery in this interview.

For more information about the Aquas visit:

For more information about Johns 12 step recovery program, visit:

Robert Rodgers PhD

Craniosacral Therapy as Treatment for Parkinson’s Symptoms

Willem Visser is a craniosacral therapist from the Netherlands, currently living in Portland, OR, USA. When he was young, he witnessed two grandparents from both sides of family suffering with Parkinson’s disease. Finishing his study as a craniosacral therapist, he wrote a thesis on the work of biomedical engineer Aubrey de Grey.

De Grey is known for his view medical technology can prevent human beings from dying from aging, including Parkinson’s. Willem researched if and how craniosacral therapy could help with De Grey’s proposed strategies. And of course also how De Grey ideas could help PD’s. Willem later wrote about why craniosacral therapy can be of great benefit for Parkinson’s. Willem Visser practices and teaches Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki. He writes about craniosacral therapy for Parkinsons on his blog.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Implications of Apoptosis for Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

John Rollins PhD discusses the critical role that is played by Apoptosis and why it has a critical influence on nervous system health. Apoptosis is the bodys natural process for repairing, regenerating and destroying damaged cells.

He discusses his longtime relationship with Dr. Bill McAnalley who was a recent guest on Parkinsons Recovery Radio and founder of Aroga.

Dr. Rollins explains how Aroga products and in particular the Core Pathways, Brain and Nerve Plus and Aloe 1 support and nurture neural tissue health.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

More Ways to Fight Parkinson’s

How Natural Medicines Help Parkinson’s Disease. Barbara Frank uses Folk Medicine and Nature’s Medicines To Help Parkinson’s Patients.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Unshackling the Chains of Fear

Fred Phillips offers his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinsons symptoms. His solutions for Parkinsons symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that you listen to my interview with Fred today. He also previews his 10 step program to recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



What Doesn’t Kill Us

Looking for therapies that are free to do and result in much desired benefits. Here it is!

What Does not Kill Us by author Scott Carney traces our evolutionary journey back to a time when survival depended on how well we adapted to the environment around us. Our ancestors crossed the Alps in animal skins and colonized the New World in loin cloths, seemingly impervious to the elements.

Modern humans have lost their biological link to the environment. Now we hate the cold. We suffer from auto-immune diseases. Many of us are chronically over weight. What Does not Kill Us uncovers how just about anyone can reclaim our species evolutionary strength by reimagining how our bodies fit into the world and then slowly conditioning ourselves to unfamiliar environments.

Scott will share the stories he has included in his new book of individuals who currently experience symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Scott’s Website:

Robert Rodgers
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Six Life Changing Energy Healing Methods

How to Release Emotional Stress, Pain and Illness

Stress and trauma lurk behind most diseases, including Parkinsons. John ODwyer has authored a book which describes a number of modern energy balancing methods for dealing with emotional stress, trauma and other imbalances. He will discuss energy healing and ways to reduce stress and trauma, often permanently. Some energy healing techniques you can do yourself and others can be done with a practitioner. Most doctors are not familiar with these forms of healing, even though some of them were actually developed by doctors.

Energy healing has been used to reverse ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, PTSD and other serious conditions in some individuals.

John O’Dwyer’s website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Interview with John Coleman, ND

This interview is with naturopath doctor John Coleman from Australia who, to my knowledge, is one of the first persons to successfully reverse his own Parkinson’s symptoms.

John offers his answers to the following eight questions which were previously submitted by members of my listening audience.

  1. My wife has been anemic just after experiencing Parkinson’s symptoms. Her iron levels are too low. What steps should she take to remedy this situation?
  2. Can I give my mother B12 vitamins for her condition?
  3. How does one deal with orthostatic hypotension (or low blood pressure)?
  4. I have tried many therapies over the past five years but the Parkinson’s symptoms continue to progress. Treatments included two stem cell treatments and other treatments out of the country. There was an initial improvement over the initial 6 months, but these benefits faded away.  What supplements have you found that help the most?
  5. Have you seen a connection for many people of Lipitor (a statin drug developed to reduce levels of the “bad” cholesterol) with Parkinson’s symptoms?
  6. How can I get the best movement possible with the least amount of medications?
  7. What will carbidopa help and what will it not help?
  8. What was most helpful to you in your own recovery process?

Information about Aquas:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery