Six Life Changing Energy Healing Methods

How to Release Emotional Stress, Pain and Illness

Stress and trauma lurk behind most diseases, including Parkinsons. John ODwyer has authored a book which describes a number of modern energy balancing methods for dealing with emotional stress, trauma and other imbalances. He will discuss energy healing and ways to reduce stress and trauma, often permanently. Some energy healing techniques you can do yourself and others can be done with a practitioner. Most doctors are not familiar with these forms of healing, even though some of them were actually developed by doctors.

Energy healing has been used to reverse ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, PTSD and other serious conditions in some individuals.

John O’Dwyer’s website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

The Emotion Code

John O’Dwyer (whose wife has symptoms of Parkinson’s) explains and demonstrates how specific trapped emotions can be identified and released using The Emotion Code TM. This work paves the way for healing certain imbalances associated with Parkinson’s disease. John’s website is:

To Order the book on Amazon click on The Emotion Code.

John O’Dwyer who discusses The Emotion Code and its application to Parkinson’s. He also provides a live demonstration of how it is applied using an issue that has been of concern to me personally for many years.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery