Fava Beans and Parkinson’s

Aunt Bean has been getting sustained relief from her symptoms of Parkinsons from taking a tincture made from dried fava plant tops. The story does not stop here. She grows her own fava beans, harvests them and makes the tincture herself. Her tincture gives her consistent relief from her symptoms. Find out how she does it the natural way.

For more information about natural foods to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms, visit the Parkinsons Recovery fava bean website:




Therapies that Make a Difference for Karen

Karen has had a remarkable recovery over the past several years. She talks about therapies that have made a huge difference in providing her with relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Karen also talks about therapies that are absolutely free and easy to to do. If you ever find yourself questioning whether recovery is possible, Karen will put all of your doubts to rest.

This is a remarkable interview in many respects. Karen has worked very hard to find therapies that have helped her get sustained from her symptoms. Four years later she is well on the road to recovery. Much of what she talks about in the interview does not cost a cent.

A Route to Recovery Through Tai Chi

Daniel Loney has Parkinson’s. He also teaches Tai Chi to individuals who have Parkinsons. Daniel is passionate about Tai Chi because it has made it possible for him to be virtually symptom free of his own symptoms.

John Carlin’s Journey Down the Road to Recovery

This program includes two interviews with John Carlin. The first interview is from March of 2009 when he provides a rich description of the therapies he is using to get wonderful relief from his symptoms. The second up interview from October 22, 2009 includes a fascinating discussion of his bicyle ride across the state of Iowa as he peddle is way across the state for Parkinsons  Research.

Listen to this one hour and 20 minute interview to hear John Carlin talk about his participation in Pedaling for Parkinsons and the therapies he has discovered help him get wonderful relief from his symptoms. For more information about the Aquas, visit: https://www.aquas.us

Living Well, Running Hard

John Ball, author of Living Well, Running Hard: Lessons Learned from Living with Parkinson’s Disease, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in June, 1983 ten years after experiencing early onset symptoms in his twenties. This week he competes in his 22nd marathon race in San Francisco. Johns tells us his all of secrets to remaining healthy and active during my interview with him today.

Nine Questions. Nine Answers. John Coleman, ND

John Coleman, Stop Parkin’ and Start Livin’ is a naturopath doctor from Australia who had an advanced stage of Parkinson’s in 1995 but is symptom free today. Listen to John Coleman, ND, answer eight questions submitted by you and one question submitted by me!



My Chat with Humorist, Author, Rancher and World Traveler Whit Deschner

Whit Deschner, author of the award winning book, Travels With A kayak talks about his experience with Parkinson’s and his formula for remaining healthy, strong and active. Whit also explains the rules for the Salt Lick Contest. The contest is open for entries, though the salt licks must be sculptured by animals (not humans).

Hear all about humorist Whit Deschner’s active and exciting lifestyle after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s ten years ago. Be prepared to laugh as your body makes dopamine naturally.

I Have Parkinsons But Parkinsons Does Not Have Me

Leif Ogard is author of I Have Parkinsons But Parkinsons Does Not Have Me. Leif was told he would be in a wheel chair in five years after he was first diagnosed. It has not been 21 years since his diagnosis. During that time he started his own business which is thriving. Leif leads a very full and exciting life as you will hear from the interview which is true to the spirit of the title of his book.  

Pioneers of Recovery

Listen to selected clips from interviews with Pioneers of Recovery which offer inspiration to anyone who questions the chances of recovery and who is looking for a suggestion or two that offers relief from symptoms.

Emotional Freedom Technique

My guest Bernadette Hunter explains to us what Emotional Freedom Technique( EFT) is, how it works and why it works.  She works live on the radio program with Monica McIntyre who is confronted with severe anxieties associated with driving.