Q&A with John Coleman, ND

This show is a question and answer session with John Coleman, ND, the naturopath doctor from Australia who, after having an advanced set of Parkinson’s symptoms in 1995, is symptom free today.

People on the Road to Recovery Discuss How to Find Relief from the Symptoms of Parkinson’s: Part III

Click on the purple arrow below to hear my interviews with Elizabeth, Dave and Ed. Elizabeth and Dave talk about their experience with Parkinson’s and what has made a significant difference to their recovery. Ed is a family member who has his own two cents to offer.

People on the Road to Recovery Discuss How to Find Relief from Symptoms of Parkinson’s : Part II

Paula talks about her experience with Parkinson’s and what has made a significant difference to her progress with recovery. Jean tells us all about her husband Jim’s journey on the road to recovery. Both interviews offer rich insights into what therapies and treatments help people with Parkinson’s find relief from their symptoms.

People on the Road to Recovery Tell How They Have Been Reversing Symptoms: Part I

Marilyn Murray and John Gold talk about what has made a significant difference in their programs of recovery from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Although their experiences differ, they are both pleased with the results they have obtained using natural therapies and treatments.

Drumming, Stories and Songs

Heather MacTavish, diagnosed with Parkinsons in 1995, founded the New Rhythms Foundation in 1998 to bring rhythmic programs to persons diagnosed with chronic, degenerative and developmental disabilities. Heather combines creativity, science and art with spirit, acceptance and humor. She explains to us all how drumming and music have had a profound impact on her own life and the lives of many other persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

Laughter Yoga

My fascinating interview today is with Gita Fendelman who is a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2004, Gita is still laughing today. Laughter Yoga is a therapy that gifted her with a profound relief from her symptoms. Laughter yoga helps you make dopamine naturally by laughing for the health of it. There are now 8,000 Laughter Yoga Clubs throughout the world!

Therapies that Help Holly Hughes Who has Early Onset Parkinson’s

Holly Hughes has discovered several fascinating therapies that are giving her incredible relief from the symptoms she has been experiencing from early onset Parkinson’s. She now helps others do the same.

Fava Beans and Parkinson’s

Aunt Bean has been getting sustained relief from her symptoms of Parkinsons from taking a tincture made from dried fava plant tops. The story does not stop here. She grows her own fava beans, harvests them and makes the tincture herself. Her tincture gives her consistent relief from her symptoms. Find out how she does it the natural way.

For more information about natural foods to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms, visit the Parkinsons Recovery fava bean website:




Therapies that Make a Difference for Karen

Karen has had a remarkable recovery over the past several years. She talks about therapies that have made a huge difference in providing her with relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Karen also talks about therapies that are absolutely free and easy to to do. If you ever find yourself questioning whether recovery is possible, Karen will put all of your doubts to rest.

This is a remarkable interview in many respects. Karen has worked very hard to find therapies that have helped her get sustained from her symptoms. Four years later she is well on the road to recovery. Much of what she talks about in the interview does not cost a cent.

A Route to Recovery Through Tai Chi

Daniel Loney has Parkinson’s. He also teaches Tai Chi to individuals who have Parkinsons. Daniel is passionate about Tai Chi because it has made it possible for him to be virtually symptom free of his own symptoms.