More Ways to Fight Parkinson’s

How Natural Medicines Help Parkinson’s Disease. Barbara Frank uses Folk Medicine and Nature’s Medicines To Help Parkinson’s Patients.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Is Parkinson’s Degenerative?

Many people hold the belief near and dear to their heart that Parkinson’s disease is “degenerative.” Is this really true? Has anyone out there actually reversed their symptoms and if they have, how did they do it?

The radio show today answers these questions. First, I report results of a holiday survey which asks persons diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease whether they were better, the same or worse now when compared to the holiday season a year ago.As you will discover by listening to a detailed discussed of the results, a vast majority of respondents reported they were better or the same relative to one year ago. In other words, the first answer to the question is no. Parkinson’s is not “degenerative” for many people.

OK. What did people do to get better? I report and discuss each answer to the second question in the survey: What therapies were helping? You will be excited to learn that there are dozens of therapies that are making a big difference for people currently experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Bill Curtis’ Positive Experiences with Ketones and Parkinsons Disease

William Curtis talks about his efforts to understand how ketones have helped with his Parkinsons symptoms. He developed Parkinsons symptoms at the age of 45 in the year 2000 and has been instrumental in collaborating with NIH researcher Richard Veech in Washington DC..

What follows are the questions I ask Bill during the interview today on Parkinsons Recovery Radio.

How did Parkinsons affect your life?

What led you to experiment with ketosis?

After the ketogenic exercise, what did you do to find out more about how ketosis could help your Parkinsons symptoms?

What is the purpose of fasting?

What is the purpose of the morning fat and coffee mixture?

What happens when you eat too much carbohydrate?

What happens when you eat too much protein?

Can exercise take you out of ketosis?

Can stress take you out of ketosis?

What supplements do you take to support ketosis?

What do you think is causing the improvement in symptoms?

Have you been able to cut back on the Parkinsons medications?

What do you think is going on as far as the disease progression you personally are experiencing?

Where do you think the use of ketosis in Parkinsons is going?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

Unshackling the Chains of Fear

Fred Phillips offers his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinsons symptoms. His solutions for Parkinsons symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that you listen to my interview with Fred today. He also previews his 10 step program to recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Cells Need Oxygen to Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Vecttor Treatments Stimulate Production of Chemicals Essential to Infusing Cells with Oxygen

My guest today is Dr. Donald Rhodes MD who I had the pleasure of interviewing every day for a week in his Houston Texas clinic. This interview presents several key segments of these interviews.

Dr. Rhodes is the inventor of VECTTOR treatments, a gentle form of electrostimulation designed to stimulate nerves to augment the production of certain essential nerve chemicals throughout the body. The end goal of his therapy is to infuse cells that have been starved of oxygen.

VECTTOR treatments are painless, noninvasive, and are showing encouraging results in diseases exacerbated by oxidative stress. People experiencing the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease have reported positive results from giving themselves Vecttor treatments on a daily basis. The basis of this therapy stems from the science of acupuncture, reflexology, physiology, and cellular physiology.

Dr. Rhodes is a former foot and ankle surgeon, has spent his career studying the effects of electrostimulation on the body. He has successfully treated patients from all over the world in his Houston clinic in South Texas. Additional information about the Vecttor treatments is available on his website at

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery 

What Doesn’t Kill Us

Looking for therapies that are free to do and result in much desired benefits. Here it is!

What Does not Kill Us by author Scott Carney traces our evolutionary journey back to a time when survival depended on how well we adapted to the environment around us. Our ancestors crossed the Alps in animal skins and colonized the New World in loin cloths, seemingly impervious to the elements.

Modern humans have lost their biological link to the environment. Now we hate the cold. We suffer from auto-immune diseases. Many of us are chronically over weight. What Does not Kill Us uncovers how just about anyone can reclaim our species evolutionary strength by reimagining how our bodies fit into the world and then slowly conditioning ourselves to unfamiliar environments.

Scott will share the stories he has included in his new book of individuals who currently experience symptoms of Parkinsons disease. Scott’s Website:

Robert Rodgers
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Wholistic or Holistic. How Different Parkinsons People Approach Their Treatment

Since appearing on this show last fall, Dr. Hageseth has consulted with scores of what he calls Parkinsons People (PPs). PPs consist of Persons with Parkinsons (PwPs), caregivers, interested family and many different professionals.

Overall PPs are dissatisfied with allopathic medicine, but dissatisfied or not, many take medications with considerable benefit. The majority feel their neurologists do not take enough time with them or discuss other options with them.

The Internet abounds with alternative approaches, but sadly, most offer little data or studies to support their claims. I have interviewed several PPs who tried different treatments but with no success.

Holistic medicine should have a W at the start of the word. Allopathic medicine helps, but it has its difficulties. I envision Wholistic medicine to include allopathic medicine and a healthy dose of Alternative Medicine as well.

The following quotes sum up my approach to PD

Don’t battle PD . . . challenge it – better yet, dance with it.

Do not resign yourself to PD, accept it and get on with your life.

Only you can engage your BodyMind to bring about self-directed neuroplastic change that will rewire your brain.

BUT it’s not up to your neurologist, IT’S UP TO YOU!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Is Parkinson’s Disease Really “Degenerative”?

Many people hold the belief that Parkinson’s is “degenerative” which means that people who have been diagnosed will exhibit a decline in their health every year. Listeners answered a three question survey to test out this assertion.

Findings are announced today. Is everyone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s really getting worse? You will be excited to hear the results. I also read the inspiring statements from people who answered the survey regarding what they are grateful for.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Interview with John Coleman, ND

This interview is with naturopath doctor John Coleman from Australia who, to my knowledge, is one of the first persons to successfully reverse his own Parkinson’s symptoms.

John offers his answers to the following eight questions which were previously submitted by members of my listening audience.

  1. My wife has been anemic just after experiencing Parkinson’s symptoms. Her iron levels are too low. What steps should she take to remedy this situation?
  2. Can I give my mother B12 vitamins for her condition?
  3. How does one deal with orthostatic hypotension (or low blood pressure)?
  4. I have tried many therapies over the past five years but the Parkinson’s symptoms continue to progress. Treatments included two stem cell treatments and other treatments out of the country. There was an initial improvement over the initial 6 months, but these benefits faded away.  What supplements have you found that help the most?
  5. Have you seen a connection for many people of Lipitor (a statin drug developed to reduce levels of the “bad” cholesterol) with Parkinson’s symptoms?
  6. How can I get the best movement possible with the least amount of medications?
  7. What will carbidopa help and what will it not help?
  8. What was most helpful to you in your own recovery process?

Information about Aquas:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Don’t Worry About Parkinson’s: Heal it.

Dr Daniels MD will discuss her experience with Parkinsons patients and how she has seen the disease change over the past three decades.  Topics she will discuss are:

  1. What led her to the methods she uses today.
  2. The ineffectiveness of the drugs.
  3. Dangers of the medicines

Her perspective is that the disease is not inevitable.

Vitality Capsules:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery