Ketones as Therapy for Parkinson’s

Bill Curtis developed Parkinson’s symptoms at the age of 45 in the year 2000. He  discusses his experience with using ketones and other therapies.

Ketone Ester available at:

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Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Pioneers of Recovery

My radio show this week is 34 minutes of golden air time. I extracted clips from the radio shows of each pioneer of recovery featured in Pioneers of Recovery (2012) which I released this week. Clips are 1 to 2 minute extractions from previous radio shows that capture the wisdom and insights of each pioneer.

Click on the purple arrow to hear my radio show this week that airs clips from the 11 pioneers featured in the second edition of Pioneers of Recovery (2012).

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


John Coleman, ND on his Recovery from Parkinson’s

What is the real story behind John Coleman’s recovery from Parkinson’s? John tells all during my interview with him on my radio show today. Get a true glimpse of how recovery unfolded for one man who is now helping others to recover.

Therapies that Make a Difference for Karen

Karen has had a remarkable recovery over the past several years. She talks about therapies that have made a huge difference in providing her with relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Karen also talks about therapies that are absolutely free and easy to to do. If you ever find yourself questioning whether recovery is possible, Karen will put all of your doubts to rest.

This is a remarkable interview in many respects. Karen has worked very hard to find therapies that have helped her get sustained from her symptoms. Four years later she is well on the road to recovery. Much of what she talks about in the interview does not cost a cent.

Pioneers of Recovery

Listen to selected clips from interviews with Pioneers of Recovery which offer inspiration to anyone who questions the chances of recovery and who is looking for a suggestion or two that offers relief from symptoms.