This program consists of answers to questions listeners and members have asked me to address. Here is as short list of some of the questions and topics I address:
Using a nutritional approach to healing Parkinson’s I now have a healing crisis every 4 days followed by good days.What does this mean?
More about LDN for treating symptoms please.
What about Mannitol as a treatment for Parkinson’s symptoms?
How can I reduce tremors in my left hand and foot and in the upper, inner and left side of my head?
When will the 2017 updated Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease be available?
Parkinsons Recovery is dedicated to identify any and all options that provide people relief from the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Reports indicate Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is one option that serves this purpose quite well indeed. The program today features Lexie and Julia Schopick, best-selling author of the book Honest Medicine who answer questions about LDN.
Hear all about people who are having wonderful successes taking LDN and also from those who have been presented with challenges related to LDN, especially with reference to convincing their doctors to prescribe it for them. This program is by far, the most informative and inspirational show to date on the benefits of LDN for Parkinson’s disease!
Lexie answers questions regarding her remarkable 5 year experience of taking Low Dose Naltrexone for her own Parkinson’s Disease. LDN is a proven-safe (by the FDA in 50mg doses!), off-label prescription drug, which has gained a great deal of attention over the past few years due to it’s remarkable disease modifying effects of controlling and reversing symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Why does Lexie have so many of the answers about LDN?
Lexie was officially diagnosed with PD in 2008, although her non-motor symptoms began about 20 years before that time. Over time Lexie has been able to titrate off her daily use of traditional PD medications, while controlling and reversing most of her own PD symptoms, thanks to LDN. You won’t want to miss this most informative show!
The mission of Parkinsons Recovery is to identify alternatives that are helping people who currently experience the symptoms of Parkinsons recover. Here is yet another possibility for you to consider – the use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) as a possible treatment for the symptoms of Parkinson’s. LDN has clearly helped Lexie get remarkable relief from her symptoms.
Lexie was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease in October, 2008. She tried all of the Parkinson’s medications that her neurologist prescribed. While they helped offer relief from her “symptoms” she soon became discouraged.
“I knew that I was taking ‘band-aid’ medications in the form of the PD Agonists and Sinemet. All 3 of the neurologists I conferred with said they did not expect a ‘cure’ in my lifetime. I was only 60 years old with a thriving professional career and that was not an answer I could accept, so I started researching.”
“I discovered Low Dose Naltrexone 2.5 years ago and I have never looked back. I have now titrated off of all of my PD meds and feel and look better today than I did 3 years ago when I was first diagnosed. I am excited to share my success with LDN with all of your PD listeners. It could change their lives, as it has changed mine.” Lexie