Using Hypnotherapy and NLP for Parkinson’s

Patrick Singleton discusses his experience working with Parkinson’s disease using the tools of hypnotherapy, NLP,and Inner Mind Sourcing. Hypnotherapy And NLP access the Subconscious Mind which runs the automatic nervous system. His presentation centers around the profound impact emotions and stress have on Parkinson’s symptoms and what can be dome about their impact.\

Contact Patrick for by calling: 505-577-1436
He resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Relieve Parkinson’s Symptoms with Hypnotherapy

Stress and chronic illness are interconnected. Scientists have shown that when the body is chronically stressed it is unable to properly regulate hormones and the immune system, which results in illness. Stress comes from many sources including physical threats, daily tasks, problems, fatigue, anxiety and illness. Stress has a significant impact on PD patients because it decreases the bodys ability to repair and regenerate as well as worsening PD symptoms, especially tremor.

Hypnotherapy has been shown to be highly effective at reducing stress. Hypnotherapist Steve Frison discusses hypnotherapy and how it is used to reduce symptoms and improve the health and well-being of those with PD.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery