Feldenkrais for Parkinsons

Movement often becomes more difficult as we age. When we add Parkinson’s Disease to that mix, we can feel trapped. Let’s examine how we can reclaim functional and pleasure in movement using the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education. Learn how working with curiosity and movement experiments awakens your brain to possibilities that were unavailable just a few moments ago. You will get a chance to do small movement experiments within this session from a seated position. Come ready to be surprised!

Website: FutureLifeNow.com

Cynthia Allen has been working in wellness practices, healthcare management, and organizational consulting for over 35 years. In 2001, she became a Certified Feldenkrais® practitioner and, more recently, a Senior Trainer in Movement Intelligence. She is the co-creator of the Integral Human Gait theory and the creator of Your Learning Body, an online Feldenkrais community

She has found Feldenkrais Method and Bones for Life to be a vital part of finding personal health despite life challenges. In her private practice, she has had the privilege of working with many people with Parkinson’s Disease, helping them to move through daily life with increased ease.

Cynthia has written about the Feldenkrais Method, pain, and trauma for the Alternative and Complementary Therapies Journal as well as the online Chronic Pain Partners. She has conducted and published a research paper: Alternative Movement Program in Geriatric Rehabilitation in the Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics.

She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, business partner and NLP guru, Larry Wells and their new puppy Darby. Today her practice is held online allowing her to serve more people than she ever realized was possible.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Feldenkrais® for Parkinson’s Disease

Irene Pasternack [http://movebeyondlimits.com] tells us how you can use the Feldenkrais® Method to improve your balance, prevent falls, cope with freezing, maintain facial mobility, speech volume and swallowing, and find greater comfort and ease in day-to-day activities. Irene discusses how Feldenkrais® is useful for treating a wide variety of symptoms that are found in a diagnosis of Parkinsons Disease.

The show includes a short Feldenkrais® lesson to improve posture, comfort and stability in sitting. In addition to making you feel more comfortable, this lesson helps improve the mobility of your neck, head, and eyes, and has a direct impact on your balance in standing.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Feldenkrais® for Parkinsons

Irene Pasternack [http://movebeyondlimits.com] tells us how you can use the Feldenkrais Method to improve your balance, prevent falls, cope with freezing, maintain facial mobility, speech volume and swallowing, and find greater comfort and ease in day-to-day activities. The show includes a short Feldenkrais® lesson to improve posture, comfort and stability in sitting. In addition to making you feel more comfortable, this lesson helps improve the mobility of your neck, head, and eyes, and has a direct impact on your balance in standing.

Irene Pasternack discusses how Feldenkrais® is useful for treating a wide variety of symptoms that are found in a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery