Fava Beans as Treatment for Parkinson’s Symptoms

Aunt Bean has been inventing natural methods of supplying dopamine to her body. Her creations have been incredible. One of them is the now famous fava bean tincture which she discusses during this interview.

Aunt Bean has posted many ideas on the Parkinsons Recovery Fava Bean website where your can download a free recipe handbook for making your own dopamine naturally.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Fava Beans and Parkinson’s

Aunt Bean has been getting sustained relief from her symptoms of Parkinsons from taking a tincture made from dried fava plant tops. The story does not stop here. She grows her own fava beans, harvests them and makes the tincture herself. Her tincture gives her consistent relief from her symptoms. Find out how she does it the natural way.

For more information about natural foods to reverse Parkinson’s symptoms, visit the Parkinsons Recovery fava bean website:
