This program includes two interviews with John Carlin. The first interview is from March of 2009 when he provides a rich description of the therapies he is using to get wonderful relief from his symptoms. The second up interview from October 22, 2009 includes a fascinating discussion of his bicyle ride across the state of Iowa as he peddle is way across the state for Parkinsons Research.
Listen to this one hour and 20 minute interview to hear John Carlin talk about his participation in Pedaling for Parkinsons and the therapies he has discovered help him get wonderful relief from his symptoms. For more information about the Aquas, visit:
John Ball, author of Living Well, Running Hard: Lessons Learned from Living with Parkinson’s Disease, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in June, 1983 ten years after experiencing early onset symptoms in his twenties. This week he competes in his 22nd marathon race in San Francisco. Johns tells us his all of secrets to remaining healthy and active during my interview with him today.
Leif Ogard is author of I Have Parkinsons But Parkinsons Does Not Have Me. Leif was told he would be in a wheel chair in five years after he was first diagnosed. It has not been 21 years since his diagnosis. During that time he started his own business which is thriving. Leif leads a very full and exciting life as you will hear from the interview which is true to the spirit of the title of his book.
Scott Luikart is participating in the Race Across America to raise money for research at the Cleveland Clinic on the effects of forced exercise on brain function for persons with Parkinsons Disease. Scott’s brother Mark has the symptoms of Parkinsons. I interview both Dr. Jay Alberts, PH.D, a researcher at the Cleveland Clinic, and Scott in this very special program.
Karen Cook was diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2004. In this teleseminar, she talks about what therapies have helped her get great relief from her symptoms.
I was diagnosed with PD in September 2004 by Chadwick Christine, the chief Parkinson’s researcher at UCSF. He spent almost two hours with me, and is a wonderful human being–that made a huge difference to me in the way I was able to handle the news. He prescribed Lexapro for me, and gave me a very large sample package of Mirapex. I took only the first medication; it turned me into a psychotic, but I had to wean myself from it gradually. A hellish time. I found a first-rate neurologist at Virginia Mason in Seattle, John Roberts. He has been marvelous for me–meticulous, conservative with meds, deeply attentive.
I have tremor-dominant PD–lucky me; I don’t have hallucinations, freezing, rigidity (except in my neck–ouch!) , and my tremor is hardly noticeable except when I’m agitated about something (but it’s in my non-dominant hand). I do have what I call Head Symptoms–horrendous anxiety (about NOTHING), near-panic, an acute sense of dread, etc. These episodes occur at irregular intervals–I could have as many as six a day in the past, often accompanied by tachycardia which scared me to death.My cardiologist put me on a beta-blocker (metaprolol) and this eliminated the tachycardia, but not the acute angst. For that I take a Xanax when needed (usually no more than 2-3 a week). But I have a feeling of intense pressure inside my head WITHOUT PAIN; just a feeling that my skull is too small for my brain. It is an awful feeling, and accompanied by some disorientation.
I have noticed definite cognitive changes over the past year especially. It is very difficult for me to take in new informatioon, especially of a technical nature. Any kind of instruction manual is like Greek to me. I easily get confused. My neurologist laughs when I say I’m probably experiencing the onset of PD dementia, but…
What I do for my PD: SWIM! Quilt (I design and hand-quilt art quilts. I think they are very good–but their main value is that they are my bliss, and I have NO tremor when working on them–or on my collages, of which I also do many, with great pleasure. I do not believe in the American model of “fighting” a disease. I’m just trying to learn from it. So far I have learned a lot about myself–most of which is unwelcome news (e.g. I am very impatient, irascible, have an exaggerated sense of entitlement, etc.) I never ask WHY ME? with respect to PD: I feel blessed that I DON’T have ALS, MS, or any one of a number of other neurological conditions.
I exercise like crazy: an hour of yoga and Pilates six days a week, gym 3X weekly, swimming ditto, as much walking as I can manage with a bum right knee. I believe exercise is KEY for me! For meds, I take one 25/100 carbolevodopa 3X daily along with a 1 mg. Mirapex tablet. I also take 1200 mg. of Coenzyme Q-10 daily. I drink in moderation–understand the risks for breast cancer, but it really helps with PD tension. I’ll be seeing Dr. Chad Christine next week for an annual checkup. His special field of interest is the NON-motor symptoms of PD–the things that most bedevil ME.
Listen to John Carlin’s story in this teleseminar. He is getting incredible relief from his symptoms by accessing a combination of therapies and treatments. Find out what he is doing to get relief from his symptoms by listening to this hour long interview.