In his second book, “Parkinson’s Empowerment Training” author Karl Sterling goes deep into exploring many areas that will help the person with PD to manage symptoms and improve quality of movement, cognition, memory, and life. Topics include:
* the power of hope, empowerment, and belief
* how to maximize neuroplasticity
* sleep management
* benefits of using Power Plate and whole body vibration
* learn about the many roles of dopamine
* improve memory and cognition
* “Nutrition in Parkinson’s Disease” written by dietitian, Cynthia Lopez
Read inspiring stories by:
* people living with Parkinson’s
* caregivers
* doctors
* physical therapists
* fitness trainers
Guest writers include:
Sylvie Patrick
Russ Parker
Alison Klaum
Rubén Artavia
Alfredo Bozzierre
Mike Mitani
Melissa Tafoya
Dr. Pepe Gonzalez
Dr. Lalo Guadarrama
Donna Parker
Kabugo Hannington
Lilia Drew
Laura Olmos
Ted Byrd
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