Frequencies for the Defense of Our Immune System

Guests on the radio show today were Jill Mattson and Sharry Edwards. What a fascinating discussion!


Our immune system is our best defense against illness. Sharry Edwards, who founded the science of BioAcoustics, has determined that with the onslaught of the current pandemic, the body is in dire need of specific nutrients to help counter the Coronavirus. Two critical ones are glutathione and quercetin. A healthy immune system always needs these nutrients – and in the case of the Coronavirus, they are extraordinarily essential.

Mattson’s compositions contain Edwards’ Frequency Equivalents of glutathione and quercetin. There are seven other Frequency Equivalents of substances that boost the effectiveness of the immune system. (Vitamin C, adrenaline, epinephrine, ACTH, and others.) You ingest sound and your body uses this energy. We currently cannot prevent infection by the Coronavirus, but we can help significantly reduce the severity of the disease by building up our immune systems.

Embedded in Mattson’s music are frequencies for emotional clearing and healing. There are frequencies for a dozen flower essences and twelve crystals! The music is profoundly calming and provides a peaceful feeling amidst the tension surrounded by the coronavirus epidemic. When your body is at peace and relaxed, it devotes more energy to the building and repair of your body.

BioAcoustic pioneer Sharry Edwards is offering to do a free profile of your voice print to check out the integrity of your defense against the corona virus.

Link to Corona Class on Westall’s site:

Here is Sharry’s website:

Jill Mattson’s website:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Is Your Diagnosis Wrong?

Sharry Edwards is providing access of her originating protocols to the populace in order to support the opportunity for Self-health. With that mission in mind, Edwards has created an online, public WorkStation that offers access to thousands of frequency-based biological biomarkers that can provide self-evaluation and create computerized Management Reports at the touch of a few buttons.

This month she is offering Parkinsons sufferers two valuable evaluations:

1. The opportunity to BioAcoustically determine the root cause of deteriorating muscles and tremors

2. To separate the many health issues that have been erroneously diagnosed as Parkinsons.

Watch a 30 minute video which includes four persons talking about bioacoustics. One had neurological symptoms.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


Over the past 30 years Sharry Edwards has pioneered a fascinating technology known as Bioacoustics. She uses a 30 second recording of your voice to diagnose the imbalances that are currently present. For example, are your symptoms caused in part by a deficiency in vitamin D3 or zinc or a defect in a specific gene or eating GMO foods? There are so many possibilities that it becomes overwhelming for everyone.

How does she do this? Each aspect of the body (whether it is an organ, vitamin, mineral, gene or whatever) emits a specific frequency. The presence of absence of these frequencies are identified using her vocal profiling technology. Her approach cuts to the quick by identifying which imbalances in the body may be contributing to neurological symptoms.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery


BioAcoustic Profiling

Sharry Edwards explains in some detail what BioAcoustics is all about and applies it to a person who called in during the show. The analysis reveals detailed information that ascertains precisely what is out of balance in your body. Once you know the root cause of the problem, you are finally in a position to do something about the all the imbalances.

Sharry Edwards Website is:

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

BioAcoustics, Sound Therapy and Effects of Radiation Exposure

Sharry Edwards from Sound Health has new and additional information about the reversal of Parkinsons using biofrequencies. Marian Lewis, a miracle of non-medicine, has used frequency modalities to reverse her Parkinsons. She shares her experiences using this emerging new technology. Her journey on the road to recovery is truly fascinating and nearly unbelievable until you hear about what actually happened to her. It is clear from Marian’s experience that radiation exposure plays an integral part in cell signal diseases such as Parkinsons

My Interview with Sharry and Mariam is included in Pioneers of Recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Discoveries About Causes of Parkinsons from Voice Profiles

Sharry Edwards from Sound Health has been systematically analyzing the commonalities across voice profiles that have been taken of people with Parkinsons symptoms. Some of the profiles were taken from listeners of my radio show. Others were taken from people who attended Parkinsons Recovery Summits.

You are going to be truly amazed at what she has discovered. You will also be very surprised about the factors she has identified that are common to Parkinson’s Disease. Her research discoveries will inspire a different approach to the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s symptoms.

Get ready to be excited and dazzled. This show will knock your socks off without even taking your shoes off. Sharry will be joined by Dr. Roman Chrucky, MD, who will discuss his own experience with voice profiling. I believe this is one of the standard medicines of the future.

The show lasts one and a half hours. Listening could potentially be a life changing experience for you and your family.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Revelations from Voice Profiling to Determine the Cause of Symptoms

The factors which contribute to the neurological symptoms associated with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s complex and multifaceted. This radio show certainly underscores this observation. Neuromotor degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s are on the rise.

Why? Who/What is responsible: Poor diet, genetics, increased electrical interference, spinal deterioration, nerve dysfunction…?

Recent research done by the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology under the supervision of Sharry Edwards indicates that there is a more insidious, man-made cause that can be easily identified and ultimately reversed for most Parkinson sufferers.

Sharry Edwards (who is the expert on BioAcoustics) did sound readings on two call-ins during the radio show today which proved to reveal fascinating results. She also explains a free way that you can obtain a reading for yourself by joining her free “Happy Hour.” As you will soon see from listening to the show today, you will get incredible information about what precisely is out of balance in your body and – better yet – what to do about it.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery