Nutritional and Lifestyle Approaches to Healing Parkinson’s

Csilla Veress ND, Dipl. OM, is primary care doctor at TrueNorth Health Center, in Santa Rosa, CA. Dr. Veress is a graduate from Rutgers University with a degree in Biology, and obtained her medical degree from Bastyr University, where she also finished her masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The focus of her practice and outreach is to educate and inspire individuals to achieve optimal health, through nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

She has a regular lecture series at TrueNorth Health Center and does outreach to the community on the impact of whole food, plant-based nutrition, water fasting and lifestyle modification in preventing and treating chronic illness. She is a contributing writer for NPLEX, helping elevate excellence within the ND board examinations. She is an author of the sleep module component of the lifestyle Medicine Core curriculum offered by The American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

Dr. Veress has written several articles for Health Science Magazine, and her work has been featured on a Netflix documentary. She has been a contributing expert in various summits and podcasts, discussing the importance of plant based nutrition, fasting, sleep, stress management, and lifestyle hacking for optimal health.

Instagram: @drcsillaveressndlac
Facebook: @csillaveressndlac

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

John Coleman ND Talks About His Full Recovery from Parkinson’s

Who was the first person to succeed in reversing all symptoms of their Parkinsons disease? We obviously cannot know for sure, but naturopath doctor John Coleman, ND, was one of the first – if not the first to reverse his own Parkinsons symptoms during the mid 1990s.

What is the story behind John Colemans recovery? How in the world did he figure out how to heal his neurological symptoms when no one else had succeeded before him? What therapies helped his recovery? Which ones did not? John answers these and other questions during this remarkable interview with him.

This interview with John Coleman ND was originally aired on Parkinsons Recovery Radio in 2010. You will be surprised at his revelations about what made the most difference to the success of his recovery in this interview.

For more information about the Aquas visit:

For more information about Johns 12 step recovery program, visit:

Robert Rodgers PhD

Functional Medicine: a New Paradigm in Medicine

Dr. Jennifer Kessman MD discusses how to heal from disease. Functional Medicine has been around for a number of years and began with Dr. Jeffery Bland’s motivation to look at medicine in a different way. Now the field of Functional Medicine is ever expanding and a center at the Cleveland Clinic has opened its doors for care. It is becoming more widely accepted and parts of functional medicine have been integrated into a wide variety of disciplines in medicine.

Here is a list of questions she answered during my interview with her:

1. What is Functional Medicine?
2. How did you come to get involved in Functional Medicine?
3. What are the root causes of disease?
4. So, if inflammation is the basis of disease how does functional medicine help with inflammation?
5. Tell me about your experience with Environmental Medicine?
6. Dr. Dale Bredesen and others have found ways to reverse early brain dysfunction and reverse dementia. How are they doing this?
7. Do you think this can apply to Parkinson’s?
8. The immune system is a big actor in most diseases we know- how can we calm our immune system?
9. What has been your experience with environmental impact of electromagnetic fields and brain dysfunction?
10. What is the influence of stress on disease?

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Unshackling the Chains of Fear

Fred Phillips offers his insights into how he gets immediate relief from a variety of his Parkinsons symptoms. His solutions for Parkinsons symptoms are novel and profound. Do you ever have difficulty when walking with:

  • Freezing?
  • Standing up?
  • Shuffling?
  • Slowness?
  • Leg Cramps?

If so, I strongly recommend that you listen to my interview with Fred today. He also previews his 10 step program to recovery.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery



Wholistic or Holistic. How Different Parkinsons People Approach Their Treatment

Since appearing on this show last fall, Dr. Hageseth has consulted with scores of what he calls Parkinsons People (PPs). PPs consist of Persons with Parkinsons (PwPs), caregivers, interested family and many different professionals.

Overall PPs are dissatisfied with allopathic medicine, but dissatisfied or not, many take medications with considerable benefit. The majority feel their neurologists do not take enough time with them or discuss other options with them.

The Internet abounds with alternative approaches, but sadly, most offer little data or studies to support their claims. I have interviewed several PPs who tried different treatments but with no success.

Holistic medicine should have a W at the start of the word. Allopathic medicine helps, but it has its difficulties. I envision Wholistic medicine to include allopathic medicine and a healthy dose of Alternative Medicine as well.

The following quotes sum up my approach to PD

Don’t battle PD . . . challenge it – better yet, dance with it.

Do not resign yourself to PD, accept it and get on with your life.

Only you can engage your BodyMind to bring about self-directed neuroplastic change that will rewire your brain.

BUT it’s not up to your neurologist, IT’S UP TO YOU!

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

A Fresh Perspective on How to Maintain Good Balance and Prevent Falls

Bal-A-Vis-X is a series of Balance/Auditory/Vision eXercises, all of which are deeply rooted in rhythm. Using sand-filled bags and racquetballs, the exercises address visual tracking deficiencies, auditory imprecision, impulsivity, balance and anxiety issues. Some exercises combine bags/balls with feet patterns. More than half can be done while seated.

Requiring multiple thousands of mid-line crossings in three dimensions, exercises are steadily rhythmic, each executed at a pace that naturally results from proper physical techniques.

Bal-A-Vis-X is a carefully modulated system of exercises that become increasingly complex OR simplified/modified for those with the most severe special needs. The youngest to use the program on a regular basis is three. The oldest thus far is 105.


Books: Bal-A-Vis-X: Balance/Auditory/Vision eXercises for Brain and Brain-Body Integration, 2nd edition 2014

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

Natural Therapies for Depression, Anxiety and Low Energy: Dr. Kristen Allott

Dr. Kristen Allott, a naturopatj doctor and Acupuncturist from Dynamic Paths , specializes in non-pharmacological interventions for depression, anxiety, addictions and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS). Her passion is to empower persons to reclaim their health

What do you do when you wake up at 3 am and cannot sleep? What tools can you use to address anxiety, depression and fatigue? Listen to the show and discover all of Dr. Allott secrets for restoring balance and health the natural way.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

The Emotion Code

John O’Dwyer (whose wife has symptoms of Parkinson’s) explains and demonstrates how specific trapped emotions can be identified and released using The Emotion Code TM. This work paves the way for healing certain imbalances associated with Parkinson’s disease. John’s website is:

To Order the book on Amazon click on The Emotion Code.

John O’Dwyer who discusses The Emotion Code and its application to Parkinson’s. He also provides a live demonstration of how it is applied using an issue that has been of concern to me personally for many years.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery