
Modern medicine uses biochemistry as the science of healing, but research is uncovering that Bioenergetics, an exciting, emerging area of 21st century medicine is a more effective, life-sustaining approach that heals all living systems.

Your body is made up of 70-100 trillion cells, and these cells perform thousands of biochemical functions every day. But what controls the biochemistry of your body? Well, we now know that the answer is Energy.

Every living thing on the planet gives & receives energy including the cells in your body! This energy forms fields in your body we call collectively  the Body-Field.

Your Body-Field transmits information to your cells own energy fields about what biochemical functions to perform and in what order- it is the information-software that directs your organisms energy-hardware. When this energy is blocked, the information is also blocked or gets distorted, and your body ceases to function the way it should.

Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder 2004
Parkinsons Recovery

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